Life at RAF Edzell (Scotland) in mid 1970's
Was stationed at NSGA Edzell (an old RAF base) from 1974-77 (CTM2 in the Teletype shop inside the Comm Center). got a local out and spent a year camping around Europe on my BMW R90/6 motorcycle. My ham radio callsign was GM5BKC, I spent a lot of early mornings on 40m CW before a daywatch when we were on the 2/2/96 schedule.
Spent 3 months, the summer of 1975, assigned to JOOD (Junior Officer Of the Day) duty for the Maint Division, each Division in the SecGru building had to supply a Petty Office to Base Security for a few months. The JOOD watch was manning the Main Gate guard shack. I got to know all the local police when they stopped by the Main Gate for coffee in the early morning hours. They all learned to recognize my BMW on the road, there weren't many big motorcycles in that part of Scotland then! Friday and Saturday nights were fun when all the local women came to the base to go to the EM club. Pubs closed at 10pm but the Enlisted Men's Club on Base stayed open until 2AM.
RAF Edzell Enlisted barracks, 1974