Sunday, March 26, 2023

March 26, 2023 - No comments

Navy Adventure In Africa 1974

While in the Navy I never got as far west as WESTPAC*, but almost got there by going East...

My job at NSGA Rota (Spain) was going TAD* on destroyers.  That was my version of "preferred overseas shore duty", ham radio Field Day on tin cans* for a job....
We flew our QUIC Vans on Air Force C-130s to Naples or Athens, and once to Bahrain, for installation on the various ships when they were in the area.

--  DIRSUP* in the Indian Ocean in 1974  --
After the USS Brumby DE-1044 was in the I.O. for a few months with our van and a team of CTs (summer 1974), they pulled into Mombasa, Kenya so I could de-install the equipment shelter (van) to have it moved to the USS Paul DE-1080 coming into the Indian Ocean and reconnect power and communications to the ship. I was the only CTM (Maintenance Tech) with the team.  I had to arrange for a crane to move it off one ship, wait on the dock all day and have it put on the next ship.  I was a CTM3, E-4 rank.
QUIC Van on USS Brumby

Then about 6 weeks later two of us had to leave and get back to Rota before 90 days were up or we were going to lose our BAQ* pay for the whole time we were TAD. So the ship pulled into a little port along the coast of Kenya, I left with an E-6 CT analyst-type and we got a taxi in this village and asked to go to the airport. The OIC* of our CT team, a Navy Lieutenant (O-3), gave the E-6 money, we didn't have tickets.
The taxi driver took off and headed out of the small town into the African bush, it turned into a dirt road and damn I thought we were going to be ambushed and killed right there. In a while he stopped and it was a dirt airstrip in the middle of nowhere, 5 ft high bushes all over. No building in sight, I was getting scared. We asked him where we got tickets and he said from the airplane. 
Eventually a DC-3 taildragger came roaring in, bounced a few times and landed on the dirt strip, all I could think of was the movie "Casablanca".   A ticket agent got off the plane and sold us tickets and got back on with us. The DC-3 flew to Nairobi, then we got a jet to Addis Ababa, Ethopia and on to Athens and Madrid, all commercial airlines. Madrid was still 500 miles north of Rota, so we had to take a bus. What an adventure, haha..
When my 6 year enlistment was up 3 yrs later, and I was at RAF Edzell in Scotland, the Navy Detailer* told me that if I re-enlisted I would go to another TAD billet because most Matmen (CTMs) didn't have experience with the shipboard gear that I had from the 2 yrs DIRSUP job in Rota. 
Fuck that, I got out..


WESTPAC - various Navy duty in the Western Pacific area 

Tin Cans  - Navy ships of the various Destroyer classes

TAD -  Temporary Additional Duty, except for some it was actually your regular job

DIRSUP - Direct Support, Teams of Navy Cryptologic Technicians with equipment to provide intelligence to the Commanding Officer of a ship that the regular Navy wouldn't have access to.

BAQ - housing allowance the Navy gave us to live off-base

OIC - Officer In Charge

Navy Detailer - Person in the U.S. that schedules military personnel duty assignments